55 Biblical Solutions to Life Issues

55 Biblical Solutions to Life Issues
55 Biblical Solutions to Life Issues

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Hello , Are you borm again friend ? Jesus is the Lord and Master of this universe . He loves us so much , He gave us His own very life .life eternal . I share my testimony with you . some time back the enemy tried to  knock me out spiritually . I knew they had hit me spiritually , but I said to myself , it is not possible for me to die , I cannot die , because the life I have is not mine , but Christ that liveth in my . I have eternal life .John 3:16. friend believe , that day , I practically understood what this eternal life meant . That life it was like a virus , entered my body again and my body mechanism that was going down , came back alive  . glory to God  . Now hear this mystery I discovered . It was a choice I made , nobody made it for me . I chose not to die . So your life is a choice . you choose to live or you choose to confess negatively.prov 18:21 . choose life , health , prosperity , goodness . bible says for us to think and set our minds on this things . Phil 4:8 (Amp) .
Listen it doesn't matter what the enemy is trying to do in your life . Only believe now in Jesus and He will save you. Roms 10:9 . only believe .Luke 8:50. This my message for you this morning . God bless you. Tell someone about Jesus as you go out today . give a track to someone . encourage someone with a smile . Amen. And I pray for you , may today be your day of glory in the mighty name of Jesus , Amen. Psalm 126:1. Love you . I pray on that great day of the Lord's coming , we all will be with Him in heaven. Amen.

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