55 Biblical Solutions to Life Issues

55 Biblical Solutions to Life Issues
55 Biblical Solutions to Life Issues

Saturday, 16 July 2016


"For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere."


1.The devil's agents -Are everywhere , running away without knowing what to do, is am attempt in futility.Key- They don't need to know you , you don't need to know them . once they identify you spiritually as a child of God , you become their major assignment for destruction .The key to living amongst them is simple .you never attack them physically or allow them to provoke you. Always be one step ahead . Key- into what Jesus said in scripture Matt 10:16.
See where you are in as a training ground in preparing for where the Lord is taking you to and stop the fretting .
Hold your peace and do your battle in your closet ."hard" .Matt 6:6
2.Listen , is no big deal . They will surely attack you fiercly. But let the truth (word)  you know be your shield and
buckler at such times .Now learn the key why you are being attacked fiercly . An enemy that knows he is about to die ,
what do you think would be his reaction ? last minute survival .Key- When it happens , you are getting close to
something big , don't give up praying now . prayer harder and more fiercly , using the sword of the spirit , which is
the word to fight . Learn what Jesus did , when the battle grew worse. Luke 22:44
3.See the other side of the story , so you won't get easily discouraged .1. The more the attacks , the more your faith
grows in it .2 . If it is not working for your good God will not allow it .3. After the storm comes the testimony ,
not before .4. you re being trained on how to fight spiritually . if you can deal with five demons , you can deal with
ten and more when you are properly trained . so see it as a training ground and deal with them using the word in
prayer . Roms 8:37
4.I would encourage you to use your anointing oil ,it works , especially if the area is heavily infested. Ask your
pastor to pray over it and believe and use it by faith . The attacks might increase , because of the effect , but you
are winning . Don't be discouraged. Use it before you go out and before you sleep too. The key is the word and what
you believe will always work for you by faith . Amen. Matt 9:29(NLT)
5.Fervent prayers is good , but fervent prayers without a good knowledge of the word is not good . When you come into
His presence , there is a need to remind Him again of what He has said concerning the devil and all his demons .
Example- father your word says the arm (powers) of the wicked shall be broken , father your word says in the book of
psalm 58:10 I shall rejoice when I see your vengeance . Lord avenge now in the name of Jesus "amen. and you do on aand
on , reminding him of scriptures Isaiah 62:6 (Amp)
6.Keep your praise on - In spiritual warfare , you use everything to fight , prayers , praise , confession , speaking
in tongues etx. When the battle seems to be getting tough in orayers , you switch to praises . prayers- angels go to
work , praise -God goes to work . Psalm 67:5,6
7.The blood of Jesus - from personal experience in warfares , the blood has potential powers of destroying the powers
of darkness heavily . demons don't like the blood of Jesus . That was what threw their Master out of heaven the blood
of the lamb . so always plead the blood over your self , family and home . Rev 12:11. Even when the attack increases ,
you are winning , continue .
8.Avoid sin as much as possible , you cannot defeat the enemy in their own play ground . Eccl 8:10b
9.Fasting- Is a very strong weapon to use . see more details from the book of Isaiah 58:6
10.And finally , never let go of that joy - If there is any weapon I know Satan does not have an anti-dote to is the force of joy . How do you attack a man who is always joyful? Even if you attack him fiercly , you still see him beaming with a bright smile joyfully , thanking the lord . Amennn How do you....."hmmm" lol . John 15:11

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