55 Biblical Solutions to Life Issues

55 Biblical Solutions to Life Issues
55 Biblical Solutions to Life Issues

Wednesday, 31 August 2016


"In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation


1. Obedience - The first thing we learn in our "suffering" is obedience . Jesus our Master learnt this in His suffering/pain .Heb 5:8 (NLT)" Even though Jesus was God's Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered."even to the point of His death. Phil 2:8 "And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.". Now what is the reward we get if we are willing to follow this route ? A crown of Life .wow. Rev 2:10b (Amp)" Be loyally faithful unto death [even if you must die for it], and I will give you the crown of life." I would talk about this crown of life some other time. but a little hint is like " think it and it will manifest "level of sonship". The reason why we go through this obedience test is simply because of the enormous blessing after that . Rev 3:21 (Amp)"He who overcomes (is victorious), I will grant him to sit beside Me on My throne, as I Myself overcame (was victorious) and sat down beside My Father on His throne." whatever you say then "anything" like Jesus , becomes law. why? you have entered into your level of sonship. And son's have been trained to use their tongue wisely because of the enormous power they now carry.
2. Endurance test - your ability to endure prepares you for the crown .David endured the pain in the book of Psalm 38:8"I am benumbed and badly crushed; I groan because of the agitation of my heart.". Joseph had to endure extra pain for two more years in preparation for the position of a prime minister in Egypt in the book of Genesis 40:23 . Jesus had to endure the pain on the cross in preparation for His ascension to the throne as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords . Phil 2:9,10.(NLT)".Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names,."that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,." Now the endurance test must be passed , if you are to ascend to your throne . Who knows you might just be the one He is preparing to rule your country, for that business empire , Ministry .etc. Amen.
3. Humility - pride is a subtle "wild beast" . That it can really hide even inside your "humility", in such a way that you can never see it , until someone has the boldness to tell you .But here is the key - your " suffering" shame , severe persecutions , attacks , kills and tame this wicked spirit called "pride" .why is God so interested in killing this spirit of pride in our lives despite the fact that He hates it . simple ,so when He talks to us we would simply be humble to listen to what He says and obey. 1 Peter 5:5 (ESV)"Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. He speaks to the humble.
4. Love -The first commandment Jesus told us in scripture is to love God with all our heart, soul and mind.(Matt 22:37) .The sufferings ( the pain , delay , stagnation , waiting ,the shame) unlocks the power in us to love Him with all our heart .It is in our suffering/pain we experience how much He loves us and in that broken state our spirit is released to love Him so dearly in return. Now hear this , when that spirit of love enters us , we now in return can fulfill the second commandment to love our neighbors' as ourselves  unconditionally. Loving those you know hate you comes from a broken and contrite spirit which only love can bring out in us .How is that ? love knows how to over look faults and endure pain."God is love ". Psalm 51:17(ESV) ".The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." 1 Cor 13 (Msg) love "Puts up with anything". And here is one of the reasons He takes us through this love test to encourage us . Read Proverb 8:21 link it to 1 cor 2:9 I am not going to type it, "lol" If you love Him search the scripture to find out the mystery yourself . lol...I love you too that's why . Amen.
5. Faith - The first key here is simple . Without faith we cannot please Him (Heb 11:6). Why? He is a faith God and the only way we receive from Him is by who He is "God of faith". Now our "suffering" is where He prepares us to receive the promise . Now watch this , until you have being fully prepared, God cannot release the promise /blessing/opportunity to you until the time is right . Isaiah 60:22(NLT)"The smallest family will become a thousand people, and the tiniest group will become a mighty nation. At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen.”
6. Prayer - Jesus despite the fact that He was God , was a prayer champion . prayed always .Luke 6:12 (NLT)" One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night." Even in agony He prayed to God the more. Luke 22:44(NIV)"And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground" All this He learnt in His "suffering" and it was prayer that brought the needed grace (preparation/right mind set) to go to the cross  before God exalted Him. Now this is what "suffering" does , it helps to keep our prayer altar burning. Even after the suffering we are now used to praying, not just praying , but effective praying that brings results . 1 Kings 18:42 (Amp) "So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he bowed himself down upon the earth and put his face between his knees."  The rains came because he prepared himself in prayer.
7. Patience -Our patience is developed in our "suffering" . God is a God of patience .Roms 15:5" Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be like minded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:" and it is only natural His kids should be like Him . Eph 5:1(Amp)"Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well beloved children [imitate their father]." . And "suffering" is what He uses in developing this in us .Job 36:15(NLT) But by means of their suffering, he rescues those who suffer. For he gets their attention through adversity" you see it now !
8. The power to wait - waiting develops confidence in the promise , waiting brings about persuasion , waiting kills the power or weakens the power of the enemy over us , waiting develops inner strength and "suffering" is what unlocks in us the power to wait confidently.. The reward is enormous . Why? you are "certainly" sure that what you believe will happen . Two scripture for this truth . Roms 8:25 (NLT)" But if we look forward to something we don't yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently." and Heb 11:1 (NLT)"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” 
9. Fruits of the spirit (Gal 5:19-23) - It is in our suffering/pain the fruits of the flesh dies (envy , malice , bitterness , anger, adultery etc) and the fruits of the Spirit is developed .(Love , joy , peace , meekness etc) all these is in preparation for a global recognition. How do I know this ? Bible says we are the light (global) of the world Matt 4:14 "Ye are the light of the world.A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid"
10. Finally - suffering is where you learn how to appreciate God and give Him thanks on a regular basis , while the waiting period is still going on. Every time you come out or escape the hand of the enemy in your waiting period or he gives you a good break/blessing, you are like wow... God thank you , thank you, you appreciate Him more and more for helping you . And one of the things thanking Him does to us is , it helps us to confidently know that indeed God is our helper . Amen .Psalm 54:4(NLT)"But God is my helper. The Lord keeps me alive!”

Personal quote:

" A man who has been properly trained is not easily moved by challenges . why? he has been there before"

Prayer - Father help me to endure my pains now in preparation for my throne in Jesus name , Amen.

you win . Jesus loves you !!


"Then Nebuchadnezzar was furious with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and his attitude toward them changed. He ordered the furnace heated seven times hotter than usual"


1. When your problem is approaching its end , that is when the fire increases.Don't be deceived Hold your peace , be calm and watch it die The three Hebrew boys , were not moved by the furnace of fire. They saw beyond it . See beyond it and keep your focus on Him alone ."Jesus". .1 peter 5:9 (NIV)"Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings." Listen after the suffering comes the glory . It is working for your good . only believe it . see Roms 8:17(Amp/Msg)versions.
2. Know this secret today , the raging of the enemy is all "drama" , it has been written , they shall bow before you. Now listen to me , whose report will you now believe ? God or man ?. Who woke you up today ? . .Isaiah 60:14(NIV)"The children of your oppressors will come bowing before you; all who despise you will bow down at your feet and will call you the City of the LORD, Zion of the Holy One of Israel." It has been ordained by God before the world was formed .
3. The three Hebrew boys saw the fire , they where not intimidated , if you allow the enemy to intimidate you , you will become his "victim" . stand strong and see the salvation/deliverance/a new opportunity from God . Exodus 14:13.(NIV)"Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again."
4. The three Hebrew boys did not allow the fire to frighten them , no matter your challenge let it not frighten you , If God has promised to make a way out for you , then the key is hold you peace. He will do it. Isaiah 43:19 (NLT)"For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." I have seen God do it in my life again and again . He never fails . believe it .Amen.
5. The three Hebrew boys held on to their believe.key- there is always something glorious at the other side. This what you do, try to visualize what God is showing you from His word with your spiritual senses not your flesh (physical senses). Once you can see it , hold on to it , without fear .Encourage yourself and be calm. Mark 4:35 (NIV)"That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side."The middle is not the end . Note !
6. The three Hebrew boys acknowledge the God they served in the midst of the fire. Acknowledge the God you serve in that situation and let him show you his salvation.Psalm 50:23 (NLT)"But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God." Don't be fooled . Give Him thanks and appreciate Him and He will demonstrate His power in that issue you think it is difficult for God .
7. The three Hebrew boys mocked the fire "challenge" they faced . If you want to get the enemy mad , mock him . Let him know you know the one who is far greater and more powerful than him . "your God" .Amen. job 5:22 (ESV)"At destruction and famine you shall laugh, and shall not fear the beasts of the earth." Laugh !!!
8. Their promotion was "hidden" inside the fire . That is where your promotion , wealth is hidden . Don't turn away. be bold .Amen. .Dan 3:30(NLT)"Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to even higher positions in the province of Babylon." you shall be promoted today in Jesus name , Amen.
9. They saw the fire as an opportunity to glorify God .See your fire /challenge as an opportunity to exalt the most High God.Acts 16:25 "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them." glorify Him and He will secure your deliverance/freedom like He did for Paul and Silas in the book of Acts 16:26.
10. They had one weapon and they used it ." Faith" .Faith does not doubt GOD . Faith believes GOD to the end . Use your faith . you will win in Jesus name , Amen. Eph 6:16 (NIV)"In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."
11. They conquered and they where celebrated . you shall be celebrated in Jesus name , Amen. The Kings word will favour you. Dan 2:29 (NIV)"Therefore I decree that the people of any nation or language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be cut into pieces and their houses be turned into piles of rubble, for no other god can save in this way." I see your testimony on the way !Amen.

Prayer : It is your time now in Jesus name , amen. receive it by faith in Jesus name, Amen.

Love you!

Monday, 29 August 2016


"Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long.For surely there is and end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.”


1. Envy will stagnate your growing up process. Apostle. Paul said in scripture when I was a child I acted like one. Picture this with me , how does a three year old act? lol.. 1 Cor 13:11(Amp)" When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. “
2. Envy will stop you from discovering your own potentials . why? Rather than look inwards (your hidden talents and gifts in you ) you are focused on some else . Your energy being channel in the wrong direction through your thoughts . Scripture says in Habakkuk 2:3 " though it tarry , wait for it ; because it will surely come, it will not tarry." As a child of God waiting is part of the process, for you to grow into maturity. Galatians 4:1 - paints it more like this " Now I say, that the heir , as long as he is a child , differeth nothing from a servant , though he be lord of all ". so as long as that childish attitude "envy" is still there, God still has some work to do in you .The faster you are willing to learn the quicker you will enter into your new season /opportunity.
3. Envy is like a virus , that can easily spread in your life , if not confronted by who? you .prov 27:4"Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?”
4. Envy stops "the blessing"  from coming.(favors , opportunities) why? 1. Is a spirit and it can hinder good things from coming to you . 2. Is only a matter of time , it can cause a good Christian to become bitter like Esau . Heb 12:15 "Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;".
5. Faith receives, envy stops faith from receiving. James 1:12(Amp)" Blessed [happy, spiritually prosperous, favored by God] is the man who is steadfast under trial and perseveres when tempted; for when he has passed the test and been approved, he will receive the [victor's] crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." Key - wait patiently for your opportunity.
6. Envy will stop you from seeing your blessing. faith will help you to see it through the eyes of love.why? . God is love 1 Cor 13:1 love does not envy others . .Gal 5:26 (Amp)"We must not become conceited, challenging or provoking one another, envying one another.”
7. Hear this one, when you don't envy people, you open the door for your expectations to become testimonies and give God the chance to bring to an end every stubborn Goliath on your way to greatness. Key - Rejoice with them that rejoice in expectation of your own . Amen. Roms 12:15 (Amp)" Rejoice with those who rejoice [sharing others' joy], and weep with those who weep [sharing others' grief].”
8. Micah 7:16 (NLT) says " All the nations of the world will stand amazed at what the lord will do for you. they will be embarrassed at their feeble power. they will cover their mouth in silent awe , deaf to everything around them." Can you see it ? if you can see what God is doing in your own life , you won't need to envy others because this is God's thought for your life . Isaiah 14:24. Believe what He has promised and be patient is key.
9. Envy can hinder you from praying effectively . Why? Rather than pray , your mind is already pre-occupied with other people's blessings . What happens next ? depression . Key - pray ! Amen. Luke 18:1 (Amp)"Now Jesus was telling the disciples a parable to make the point that at all times they ought to pray and not give up and lose heart,.”
10. Envy works with the flesh . Key - you will never please God when you walk with your flesh . (human senses) Roms 8:8 (NIV) “Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.”

Personal quote :

"Envy has no expectations , joy does . be joyful "

"If you refuse to envy others, your expectations will not be denied you "

Prayer : Father destroy the root of envy in my life in the name of Jesus , Amen.

you win! Amen.


"I am God , the only God you ' ve had or ever will have -incomparable , irreplaceable- From the very beginning telling you what the ending will be , All along letting you in on what is going to happen , Assuring you , I am in this for the long haul, I 'll do exactly what I set out to do .”


1. God of compensation - With God you can never lose . why? He will surely compensate you for all your losses . How do I know this . Read this verse of scripture - Zechariah 9:12 (Msg) "This very day I 'm declaring a double bonus -everything you lost returned twice -over." Don't be deceived. Believe God for His promise and you shall receive your compensation in full in the name of Jesus , Amen.
2. Incomparable , irreplaceable -God - Get this key - the powers or the people against you cannot be compared to God , the challenges you re facing now cannot replace Him . Here is the key from the book of Psalm 69:30 "I will praise the name of God with a song and will magnify Him with thanksgiving.” Rather than talk about his problems , David magnified his God the more . The way you see your God matters a lot , when faced with challenges . See Him as big and your challenges as small . your results come faster that way .
3. God is incomparable in greatness - Don't let the battles of life scare you . Know this about God , He owns the game , the players ,the ball ,the net including the pitch and the land where the game is played. HE IS BIG ! . . See how the book of .Isaiah 45:18b (Amp)puts it "I am the Lord , and there is no one else" Let this thought stay in your mind and you will see God work for you . Why? see prov 23:7 " you become what you think"
. 4 God is incomparable in strength - No matter the strength of your enemies , it still cannot be compared to the strength of God in power , in wisdom , knowledge you just name it . God is mighty. Even the strength of your enemies are still under His control and check . job 41:11 "whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine." He puts a watch over his own.
5. God is incomparable in goodness . Relax , no need to envy sinners or anybody . In less than 24 hrs he made Joseph famous all over the world . He can do the same for you if you decide to follow and obey Him (.Job 36:11 ) . Amen. Only believe and don't give up. Your time has come . Amen. Eccl 3:1"To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven."
6. God is incomparable in miracles and wonders . Listen , He can choose to put the finest diamonds on earth right in your backyard without sweat , make you famous around the world in a split of a second , He is God Almighty !! Read 2 Kings 3:17,18,20 . Never look at your challenges as too big for God to solve , rather see God laughing at it and you do the same . Psalm 2:4. Remember what the magicians said to Pharaoh in the book of Exodus 8:19a "Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh , This is the finger of God:"Amen. Is your turn friend , It is your turn to laugh in Jesus name , Amen. Luke 6:21.
7. Irreplaceable. No Devil on earth or anywhere can replace him . Be rest assured of this , what it means is that he will never allow your enemy to triumph over you . He does not like anybody sharing the glory due to him. Isaiah 48:11 (Amp)"And I will not give My glory to another [by permitting the worshipers of idols to triumph over you.].”
8. Listen , your outcome will be good . storms are usually great when it is about to end . Be at rest and hold your peace .Exodus 14:14 (Amp)"Lord will fight for you , and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest."
9. Why was David never defeated in battle ? He had the key to God's heart . praises . praise your way through that issue and give Him thanks . .Psalm 138:1"I WILL confess and praise you [O God ] with my whole heart :before the gods will I sing praises to you .” He takes over the battle when we praise Him. Psalm 149.
10. God loves it when we say we know Him . your knowledge of Him guarantees your victory . Why? you are sure friend , you are sure !! . Proverb 11:9b" but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.”

Personal quote :

"why fear , when you know who He is "God"

Prayer : Father reveal more of you to me in Jesus name , Amen.

you win ! Bless you .

Saturday, 27 August 2016


"But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come.”


1. Joy is a master key. Never let go of your joy when you are in your season of a breakthrough and you know or sense it . your joy will birth forth that expected miracle . Is the key that connects you to your harvest . Why? get the lesson from Joel 1:12(NIV)"The vine is dried up and the fig tree is withered; the pomegranate, the palm and the apple tree-- all the trees of the field--are dried up. Surely the people's joy is withered away." joy is a force , once it is not there , it can kill your harvest /opportunity.Phil 4:4(NLT)"Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again--rejoice!
2. Love - In your time of your harvest /opportunity , your faith needs to be in top form and love is the lubricant that oils your faith for effective delivery of your expected harvest .1 cor 13:13b (Amp)"love—true affection for God and man, growing out of God's love for and in us], these three; but the greatest of these is love.” Love is a force , it will give back to you , the energy you give to it .love - Luke 6:38 - give love and you get back love in return , the things you desire and love from the God whose name is Love .Psalm 62:5(Amp)"My soul, wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him."
3. Worship - Lock unto His presence in worship and praise . Adore Him , appreciate Him and just sink in His love . John 4:24 "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” Worship releases the blessing , for there He comes in His power to dwell .Psalm 22:3(NLT)"Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel."
4. Generosity - At this time of your expected harvest , be more generous with your giving . Why? Key - Luke 6:38 (Msg) "Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.” Is a universal law .It works even for those that are not believers . God is generous ..
5. Unwavering faith - Let your faith be hardened and unwavering now .you cannot afford to start doubting again in your season of harvest/opportunity . Zech 8:13 (Amp)" And as you have been a curse and a byword among the nations, O house of Judah and house of Israel, so will I save you, and you shall be a blessing. Fear not, but let your hands be strong and hardened." notice the two keys "hardened and strong faith will bring in your deliverance / harvest/breakthrough/miracle
6. Keep doing what is right, even if you suffer for it , let it not discourage you , instead take it even a step higher with your faith . 1 Peter 3:13,14 (NLT)"Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don't worry or be afraid of their threats.”
7. Speak what you believe is about to happen in your life . Faith talks , so don't be silent now , speak what you are expecting with all audacity and boldness to the hearing of the devil . Amen. Scripture says we believe and we what? Speak . Amen . you will see that testimony "live" as you speak it in Jesus name , Amen. 2 Cor 4:13 (NIV)"It is written: "I believed; therefore I have spoken." Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak,".
8. Continue earnestly in prayers with rejoicing . Roms 12:12(NIV)"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Hold your peace whenever you pray and never complain . your thoughts shouldn't waver at this time , but have faith in God .Mark 11:22
9. Do it on time - offerings , giving ,tithes , etc .why?. 2 Cor 9:7(Amp)" Let each one [give] as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, “prompt to do it”) giver [whose heart is in his giving].
10. You can't miss out on the prophet's reward , sow into your pastor's life , like your own life , until he releases that deep word from his spirit . you will know the day he says it . it will come deep from within him. Matt 10:41 " He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward"; Gen 27:4 "And make me savoury meat, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I may eat; that my soul may bless thee before I die.”

Bonus point - Add fasting to boost your faith , if you find your flesh too weak at this time . Isaiah 40:31 "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles ; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk , and not faint.”

Personal quote:

|"Never give up hope , never lose hope , it is always around the corner when you re about to lose hope"

I pray for you now in the name of Jesus , you will never miss your harvest/opportunity/miracle I decree in Jesus name , Amen.

 Be blessed!

Friday, 26 August 2016


"So is the one who goes in to his neighbor's wife; Whoever touches her will not be found innocent or go unpunished.”


1. Prayer - The first thing is prayer . But most times we forget to pray about it , thinking that we can handle this weakness in our own strength . lol. No , you can't . Except you put that weakness in God's hand , you will definitely fall for that temptation . Why? You fail to take heed to His word , that is not by your power ..1Cor 10:12 (Amp)"Therefore let the one who thinks he stands firm [immune to temptation, being overconfident and self-righteous], take care that he does not fall [into sin and condemnation.]”
2. Stop painting the picture before God , most times rather than tell our Maker the truth , who we have this weakness for . We tend to beat around the bush , like father deliver me from immorality . yes you are correct . But won't it be better if you nail the matter on the head , before your maker . like " father I have this weakness for Jane anytime I see her , lord help me , give me the grace to overcome this weakness in my life in Jesus name , amen. " Phil 4:6(Amp)"Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God.”
3. Avoid those text messages . Why? It will only put your emotions to work . And it gives Satan an opportunity to set you up for the "enticement" .James 1:14(Amp)" But each one is tempted when he is dragged away, enticed and baited [to commit sin] by his own [worldly] desire (lust, passion)."
4. Avoid those seductive smiles . It will only set you up again for the devil's enticement . Prov. 6:25 (Amp)"Do not desire (lust after) her beauty in your heart,Nor let her capture you with her eyelashes.”  Is not always easy to get a thought out of your mind , when lust is attached to it .
5. Time to fast . Why? It helps to put your emotions in check and at the same time build up your level of resistance . Paul said in 1 Cor 9:27 (Amp)" But [like a boxer] I strictly discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached [the gospel] to others, I myself will not somehow be disqualified [as unfit for service].”
6. Worship - worship Him the more with a pure heart , it invites His presence into our lives and it has a way of purifying our spirit, thereby causing a longing for His holiness . John 4:23 (Amp)" But a time is coming and is already here when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit [from the heart, the inner self] and in truth; for the Father seeks such people to be His worshippers.”
7. Prov. 16:6 (Amp)"By mercy and loving-kindness and truth [not superficial ritual] wickedness is cleansed from the heart, And by the fear of the Lord one avoids evil."  use the three keys -mercy , kindness  and truth.
8. Apply the force of love . Love never fails (1 Cor 13:8) one of the greatest gift in scripture . apply all the principles of love and the fear of that weakness will be gone in a flash . 1 Cor 13 (Msg). 1 John 4:18(Amp)"There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] punishment, so the one who is afraid [of God's judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God's love].”  The fear of that weakness is a weakness on its own .refuse to fear your weakness and turn it into your strenght by refusing to fear .Amen.
9. Agreement prayer - find a confidante that you can share this burden with and pray an agreement prayer concerning it with faith . God  answers. you will know when that grace comes !! Matt 18:19(Amp)"Again I say to you, that if two [a]believers on earth agree [that is, are of one mind, in harmony] about anything that they ask [within the will of God], it will be done for them by My Father in heaven."  I have seen married women/men who never dealt with this weakness , when they were single and now they easily fall for every handsome man/beautiful woman they like . 
10. Never be discouraged about your weakness . but here is the key . Let His joy become your strength at all times . John 15:11(Amp)"I have told you these things so that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy may be made full and complete and overflowing.”
Prayer: Father deliver me from my weaknesses lord in the name of Jesus , Amen. 

You will not fall in Jesus name , Amen. Jude 1:24 . Receive it by faith .Amen.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016


"Jesus said, “Take away the stone.” Martha, the sister of the dead man, said to Him, “Lord, by this time there will be an offensive odor, for he has been dead four days! [It is hopeless!]”


1. Don't panic ! I have learnt from experience not to. it doesn't help matters .So I don't .I learnt from what Jesus did in scripture, I discovered , He usually withdrew Himself from the crowd to pray. So I take time off to pray. I stay at home for a day or two to just be in His presence ,enjoy Him, worship Him and let Him give me counsel on what to do next . At times , while in His presence , relief will come and I am back on my feet again . The key is taking time off to seek Him for counsel , when matters get out of hand. Amen. John 14:26(Amp)" But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you.”
2. Hold your peace - your peace is a weapon against any kind of storm , it allows God to work and it helps put the enemy in check . Two scriptures that will encourage and convince you .Job 22:21 (ESV)"Agree with God, and be at peace; thereby good will come to you." and the book of Exodus 14:14 (NIV)"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Peace is a spiritual force in the spirit realms . Hold your peace and be still . while you wait for Him (God) to reveal to you , what to do next . Psalm 62:5 (Amp)" My soul, wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him."
3. Prayer - Never under-estimate the power of prayer . I learnt this secret from Jesus , when He was faced with agony(pain and grief) in Gethsemane , most believers at this point will give up like the disciples who slept because of the grief they felt in their heart ..Luke 22:45 (Amp)"When He rose from prayer, He came to the disciples and found them sleeping from sorrow", not Jesus bible says He prayed the more earnestly for strength to face the cross He was about to carry . Luke 22:44 (Amp)"And being in agony [deeply distressed and anguished; almost to the point of death], He prayed more intently; and His sweat became like drops of blood, falling down on the ground." . Call on God and don't give up or panic.There is no harm in trying one more time . Amen. Do it again.
4. Beware of discouragement - you have every reason to be discouraged . But choose not to . Why? if you do , you would open the door for the enemy to take advantage of you . Discouragement leads to lost of hope. stops your faith from working . steals the joy you need for your harvest/opportunity to come .See Joel 1:12"The vine is dried up, and the fig tree languisheth; the pomegranate tree, the palm tree also, and the apple tree, even all the trees of the field, are withered: because joy is withered away from the sons of men." that is what discouragement can do , it can kill your very harvest/opportunity/change , if you allow it. Be encouraged like David . 1 Sam 30:6b."But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” Is not the time to cry , but encouraged yourself , with what God has done for you in the past so you can gain strength for your next move .
5. Psalm 30:5 (NIV)" weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." - Listen weeping is allowed , but don't allow it cause your faith to waver or doubt who the Almighty is . God has not abandoned you yet. weeping only helps you to release your emotions, after that , with
boldness you return back to the lord in prayer laying your demands / request before Him . Amen. Bible says we should approach His throne of mercy with boldness not with fear or discouragement. Heb 4:16 (Amp)"Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the throne of grace [that is, the throne of God's gracious favor] with confidence and without fear, so that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment].” Once it is done , stand up and feel good . How you feel matters , send out the right signals . Amen.
6. Joy - The key here is this , you keep your joy and don't let that joy go. You won't get it right the first time , but with constant practice , your joy in the Lord will hit that perfection level, that no matter what,your joy still remains .. Key- Let what He has promised you be your strength . Act on it and be joyful in it . It has always worked for me in the midst of my storms . Why? It throws the enemy off guard . Question ? How do you attack a man who still chooses to remain joyful despite it all ? Now here is the answer found in the book of John 15:11 (NIV)"I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete."It is when you choose to remain joyful , your own joy will come (the answers to your prayers ).
7. Bridle your tongue - Key - when situations get out of hand , we are always tempted to say the wrong things , pointing accusing fingers , he did it /she caused it . Don't! bridle your tongue . Lest your enemy use your words against you for the finishing. (of his wickedness) Prov 13:3(Amp)" He who guards his mouth keeps his life, but he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin".. Choose deliberately to speak the way God would speak and pray just how Jesus would pray. Is your key . 1 peter 4:11b(NLT)"Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you.” Speak only what you love to see and not what you don't love . For God is love. 1 Cor 13 (Msg)
8. Two heads are better than one the saying goes. bible says there is a reward (Eccl 4:9). Find a genuine confidante you can trust and pray about it again. There is always this release and hope raising again when you do .Amen. , when you pray with someone of like faith. James 5:16 (NIV)"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
9. Watch this one - When things get worse, still don't doubt God . Choose "deliberately" not to doubt . Hold your ground just like the three Hebrew boys (Daniel 3:18). Listen , is either of two things .1 that God will use it to teach you something or use it to work out something for your good (Roms 8:28) or deliver you outright.(Joel 2:32) . So we don't doubt , but give Him thanks as He has commanded .(1 Thess 5:18). Is not everything we are going to understand until we finally meet with Him Amen.Prov 3:5(NLT)"Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding." . Remember Joseph how God turned the evil that the enemy brought against him for his good . Be encouraged ! Gen 50:20(Amp)"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present outcome, that many people would be kept alive [as they are this day].”
10. Hosea 4:6 (NIV)"my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children." - This is the key , it works .Find out from scripture what you don't know yet and what you need to know and do . I give you an example from the book of psalm (41:1-3) read verse one ..what happens when you consider those that don't have .God preserves your life . Are you sick ? Are your enemies after you ? go and consider the poor and remind God of what you have done in faith . Isaiah 43:26 (Amp)"Remind Me [of your merits with a thorough report], let us plead and argue our case together;State your position, that you may be proved right.”

Personal quote:

"When it is hopeless , something is about to turn for your good if you believe"

Prayer: Father turn my case around into a testimony in the name of Jesus , Amen.

You will win ! Amen.


"But soon a fierce storm came up. High waves were breaking into the boat, and it began to fill with water."


1. Storms have levels. So don’t compare your storms with others. Only believe God to see you through by faith . But here is the key found in the book of Prov 4:25, 26(Amp)” Do not be afraid of sudden fear Nor of the storm of the wicked when it comes [since you will be blameless]; For the Lord will be your confidence, firm and strong,And will keep your foot from being caught [in a trap].|” Don't panic rule number one ! So God can speak to you . Gen 41:16.
2. Storms come to test your faith. See how I see it here , your storms come to filter every little seed of doubt in your faith . you will never know it is there , until a stronger storm comes to challenge your faith. Peter denied Jesus three times , but Jesus prayed for him , that his faith will not fail.Luke 22:32(Amp)” but I have prayed [especially] for you [Peter], that your faith [and confidence in Me] may not fail; and you, once you have turned back again [to Me], strengthen and support your brothers [in the faith].” "
3.Storms come to test the rigidity of God.s word in your life . you have digested the word , it is in you , but the storms will come to test how strong the word you "believe"  dwells in your spirit . how strongly do you believe it? His word tried Joseph .Psalm 105:19” Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him. “
4.Storms come to prove who you trust . At such moments if your heart is still for God , the storms will reveal it . if not you would go back to Egypt for solution .(using the worldly method .an eye for an eye ) . The children of Israel threatened Moses in the wilderness , when they saw the storm(challenge) to return back to Egypt. ( your old friends , using bad methods to work it out) . Numbers 14:4(Amp)” So they said one to another, “Let us appoint a [new] leader and return to Egypt.” Don’t ! if you do you will miss the prize ahead of you .(honor ) Heb 12:2 (Amp)
5.The kind of storm you are faced with ,will reveal to you the level of your spiritual maturity in the spirit realms . If it is a strong one ..lol . you re becoming matured friend .congratulations ! You re being recognized by the heavenly host . Judges 6:12(NLT)” The angel of the LORD appeared to him and said, "Mighty hero, the LORD is with you!" Gideon did not see himself that way . Listen , God is building you up .you can ! Amen. Fear not . Isaiah 41:10 (Amp)
6 .After the storm comes the lessons . Most times you will never get the deep revelations/teachings from the storms until after it is over. Nebuchadnezzar learnt this after his storm was over .Daniel 4:37(Amp)” Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are true and faithful and His ways are just, and He is able to humiliate and humble those who walk in [self-centered, self-righteous] pride.”
7.When the storm is so strong , that it looks like nothing can stop it , get ready that is when it is about to stop , so keep praying and rejoicing in hope (expectation) .Roms 12:12 (Amp)” constantly rejoicing in hope [because of our confidence in Christ], steadfast and patient in distress, devoted to prayer [continually seeking wisdom, guidance, and strength],”
8.Your storms come to teach you one major lesson . without God you are helpless .why? Flesh (human senses) cannot fight principalities (spirits), but the creator of the principalities. Col 1:16 (Amp)” For by Him all things were created in heaven and on earth, [things] visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him [that is, by His activity] and for Him. “
9. Whenever you are faced with a stubborn storm .Here is the key – count on His mercies . He never fails. Count on it . It works ! Lams 3:22(Amp) “It is because of the Lord’s lovingkindnesses that we are not consumed, Because His [tender] compassions never fail.”
10. Rejoice and again scripture says to rejoice. why? See what is coming from the book of  Nahum 1:15 (NLT) so you won't miss it . “Look! A messenger is coming over the mountains with good news! He is bringing a message of peace. Celebrate your festivals, O people of Judah, and fulfill all your vows, for your wicked enemies will never invade your land again. They will be completely destroyed! “ .Listen , it will turn for your good now in Jesus name , Amen. Psalm 126:1 (NIV)

Personal quote:

“Storms come to prove you , fear not “

PRAYER : Father help me to stand strong in the face of this storm in Jesus name , Amen.

you win ! Amen.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016


"A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men"


1.. Your gift is not man made ; but God made . Is something , you were born to do on earth. James 1:17 "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”
2. Your gift is something you can spend the whole day doing ; without getting bored . I can spend hours doing this without even "thinking" of going out.lol. Prov 22:29 says it like this " Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men." Amen.
3. Your gift is what you love doing ; whether you are getting paid or not . You just love to sing ; paint , write, sell, motivate people.etc.. David's gift brought him before King Saul .1 Sam 16:18 (NLT)"One of the servants said to Saul, "One of Jesse's sons from Bethlehem is a talented harp player. Not only that--he is a brave warrior, a man of war, and has good judgment. He is also a fine-looking young man, and the LORD is with him." Someone will always recommend you , when they see you are gifted . 
4. Your gift will make room for you to be blessed. Gen 22:15-18 (Msg) The angel of God spoke from Heaven a second time to Abraham: “I swear—God's sure word!—because you have gone through with this, and have not refused to give me your son, your dear, dear son, I'll bless you—oh, how I'll bless you! And I'll make sure that your children flourish—like stars in the sky! like sand on the beaches! And your descendants will defeat their enemies. All nations on Earth will find themselves blessed through your descendants because you obeyed me.” 
5. Your gift comes with peace . The God kind of peace ; You are never troubled , when you are using your gift .There is this Godly peace you enjoy . Amen. 1 Cor 14:33 "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”  So check , if you re always troubled in what you doing .Are you in the arena of your gift?
6. When you are in the arena of your gift; you are like a fish in an ocean; you can't be stopped.Why? you are always inspired to do something new, try something new ,invent something , new ideas etc. . Job 32:8 "But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.”
7. When using your gift. you don't look for ideas like others do , it just comes naturally through divine inspiration that keeps you always ahead of the rest . Job 32:8 (NLV)"But it is the spirit in a man and the breath of the All-powerful that gives him understanding." you always know what to do  Amen. Jesus always knew what to do . John 6:6b" for himself knew what he would do."
8. Your gift is what God has given you to bless your world . Don't keep it . Prov 18:16 (ISV)"A person's gift opens doors for him, bringing him access to important people.”
9. Fear will always want to stop you  from using your gift . But remember scripture Joshua 1:9 "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Leave how it will happen , you work on that gift . Amen.
10. Finally your gift will always bring you joy . Joy is not happiness , but a feeling from within even when you re not seeing the results from your gift yet. you re simply expectant and joyful .Psalm 16:11" Yhou wilt show me the path of life:in thy presence is fulness of joy, at thy right hand there are pleasures for ever-more." joy is connected to His pleasures (rewards) . your gift will surely bring you rewards if you remain steadfast and committed.

Personal quote :

" Your gift will surely be tested , so don't quit "

Prayer : Father use my gift to bring honour to your name in Jesus name , Amen.

be blessed!

Monday, 22 August 2016


"A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.”


1. Every man has been given a gift from God to use on earth not just for himself , but to be a blessing to others. Zech 8:13b (NLT) "Now I will rescue and make you both a symbol and a source of blessing .So don't be afraid; Be Strong and get on with rebuilding the Temple." Keep working on your gift .
2. If you don't use your gift , it will forever remain hidden.. Never despise the gift you have . If you work on it , believe me a day of opportunity will come for you to use it . preparation births forth opportunity.your opportunity is close to your fame , wealth .etc.Matt 25:18 "But he that had received one went and digged in the earth , and hid his lord's money." use it.
3. Your gift will always bring you into recognition. Jesus gift brought him into recognition.. A man that is in the arena of his gift , is like fish in water , you can't beat or stop him . Think about holding a fish in water ? lol . It will always slip away . And that is you friend , if you decide today to use your gift . Matt 13:54 "And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works?”
4. Your gift will bring you to that place of (influence , wealth , fame etc) which God has prepared for you. Exo 23:20"Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared.”
5. Your gift will bring you into your palace.How and why? It is God given. period! Gen 41:14"Then Pharaoh sent and called Joseph, and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon: and he shaved himself, and changed his raiment, and came in unto Pharaoh." His gift took him to the palace.
6. There will always be opportunities for you to use your gift. Don't waste it , use it. . Luke 21:13 (Amp version) says "This will be a time (an opportunity) for you to bear testimony." They will be amazed at you and begin to ask questions .
7. You will just have to trust God to help you birth forth your gift.bringing you into recognition. Now this scripture will encourage you . Isaiah 66:9(NIV)" Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the LORD ."Do I close the womb when I bring to delivery ?"says your God". Jesus said in Mark 11:22 (Amp version) "And Jesus, replying, said to them, Have faith in God [constantly].” When using your gift , let your faith in God be constant . He works behind the scenes to get you into your palace . Psalm 126:1
8. Your gift will always require seasons of preparation. So don't quit . Jesus prepared for 30 years for a 3 year ministry . Moses 40 years . Don't be discouraged , yours will be less , only be willing to learn and follow his lead .Amen. 1 Chron 22:5 "And David said, Solomon my son is young and tender, and the house that is to be builded for the Lord must be exceeding magnifical, of fame and of glory throughout all countries: I will therefore now make preparation for it. So David prepared abundantly before his death." Prepare ! so you won't miss the day of your opportunity !
9. Your gift will always be tested by challenges, storms , mockery name it . They will despise it , but is all part of the test to make you strong in it and be confident about it. David's gift was tested by Goliath . 1 Sam 17:8 "And he stood and cried unto the armies of Israel, and said unto them, Why are ye come out to set your battle in array? am not I a Philistine, and ye servants to Saul? choose you a man for you, and let him come down to me. “ What happened ? David defeated him. your gift is were your confidence lies .your gift is backed by the one who gave it to you . God!
10. There will be seasons , when it will look like your gift is not working. lol. but God is still preparing you . Keep working on it . Your day of recognition will surely come , when you put your trust in Him,. Prov 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all Thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”

Personal quote :

"Hidden inside your gift , is your wealth " Think !

Prayer : Father let me not throw away my gift in the name of Jesus , Amen.

Be blessed!

Sunday, 21 August 2016


"Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen.”


1. Love - you can never grow in grace without first loving the father of grace with all your heart , mind , soul and body . The more you love Him , the more you grow in grace to become like Him . Eph 5:1 (Amp)"Therefore become imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father];.”
2.Love for others - We grow more in grace , whenever we are faced with difficult neighbors to love . The more we love them , the more grace comes to love them the more . (personal experience ) key - Is always easy to love those who love us , but the real test is loving those who don't even love us , that is grace .why? love remembers no wrong . 1 Cor 13:7(Msg)" Doesn't keep the score of the sins of others .”
3. Joy-You cannot grow in grace, if you are not a joyful person. Why? Scripture admonishes us to always be joyful.joy attracts His grace .(mercy , favor etc) Phil 4:4; Titus 2:11. Without joy how can you draw out the grace in His word. Isaiah 12:3(Amp)"Therefore with joy you will draw water from the springs of salvation.”
4.Patience- God is a God of patience and He works best in our lives when we are patient like Him. So I can boldly say grace comes when we become patient like our father "God".It was His grace, that helped Job to become patient during his trial. James 5:11(Amp)" You know we call those blessed [happy, spiritually prosperous, favored by God] who were steadfast and endured [difficult circumstances]. You have heard of the patient endurance of Job and you have seen the Lord's outcome [how He richly blessed Job]. The Lord is full of compassion and is merciful.”
5. Right attitude- If you want to see grace at work keep a good attitude in the midst of your storm and you will see God's grace in action ."Jesus" . Key 1 Peter 5:5(Amp)" Likewise, you younger men [of lesser rank and experience], be subject to your elders [seek their counsel]; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another [tie on the servant's apron], for God is opposed to the proud [the disdainful, the presumptuous, and He defeats them], but He gives grace to the humble.”
6. Why? God simply loves those that are humble .why? God Himself is humble . Why do I say that ? He lives in the very creature He created .. 1 Cor 3:16"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"
7. Giving - the more you give , the more you grow in grace to give more .2 Cor 9:8 (Amp)" And God is able to make all grace [every favor and earthly blessing] come in abundance to you, so that you may always [under all circumstances, regardless of the need] have complete sufficiency in everything [being completely self-sufficient in Him], and have an abundance for every good work and act of charity."
8. Prayer - It was after Jesus prayed , He received more grace to face the death on the cross . prayer increases our level of grace when done right .Luke 22:43,44 . (Amp)"]Now an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him. And being in agony [deeply distressed and anguished; almost to the point of death], He prayed more intently; and His sweat became like drops of blood, falling down on the ground."
9. Trust - God enjoys it when we simply trust Him. And what happens when we do that , His mercy (grace, favor) surrounds us like a shield .Psalm 32:10" but he that trusteth in the LORD, mercy shall compass him about.”
10. Thankful heart - Any man who is thankful will always enjoy God's grace and will always grow in grace. Why? God loves those who appreciate Him for who He is and what he does for us . Psalm 50:23 (Amp)"“He who offers a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving honors Me;And to him who orders his way rightly [who follows the way that I show him],I shall show the salvation of God.”

Personal quote :

"The blessing can only be access by grace"

Prayer - Father teach me lord how to grow more in grace in Jesus name , Amen.

You are blessed !!

Saturday, 20 August 2016


"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”


1. His Peace -Is a weapon of war in the midst of our storms. When used instead of worry , it brings freedom from every satanic bondage of slavery to bitterness , anger , hate etc. John 16:33(NLT)"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
2.His joy - When the spirit of joy is activated, the spirit of freedom is manifested. Key - how do you attack a man who still chooses to remain joyful, despite all the opposition and persecutions. His joy brings liberty into his spirit (freedom ) from the powers of darkness that can keep him in bondage to ( depression , discouragement , suicidal tendencies etc ). Joy sustains your spirit from falling into the pit of depression. .Psalm 16:11 (NIV)"You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”
3.His love -Is the quickest way to experience true freedom . Now what is Love ? Love forgives ,love is kind , love does not envy others and more . So when you walk in love you are at liberty from the powers of darkness. They might try , but love does not fail .1 Cor 13:8a (NASB) "Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.”
4.His Kindness - will keep you from becoming bitter. kindness will protect you from offence. Kindness doesn't only mean showing love to people who love you , but showing love to people you know that persecute and oppress you . Where His Spirit is there is liberty (grace) to show kindness in the midst of your storms . His grace is always available.Prov. 11:17a (Amp)"The merciful and generous man benefits his soul [for his behavior returns to bless him].”
5. His goodness - showing His goodness to others in the midst of a challenge , that is were the real test is . When you walk with Him , His Spirit comes to give you that liberty to be good to people. Knowing what? Eph 6:8 (NIV) "because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free."
6.His Forgiveness - Is one of the hardest thing to do , especially for those that have being badly and terribly hurt, but where His Spirit is we are at liberty to forgive because we "love" Him , though we feel the hurt , but because we sincerely love Him we forgive those who hurt us and we are quick to apologize to those we hurt. Acts 7:60 (NASB)"Then falling on his knees, he cried out with a loud voice, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them!" Having said this, he fell asleep.” Key- Love heals.
7. No offence - When the word is at work in your spirit , you find it easy to let go of the offence , because rather than take offence , joy comes to heal the pain from the offence . Why? Simply because where He is there is always the liberty to over look the offence because of our expectations and faith in Him. Lam 3:25(Amp)"The Lord is good to those who wait [confidently] for Him,.To those who seek Him [on the authority of God's word].”
8.His Provision - Where His Spirit is , you are at liberty to see His provision made available for you . The disciples saw only five loaves and two fishes in the book of luke 9 :13, Jesus because God's Spirit was at work in and through Him , He saw 12 baskets and more fishes remaining. Key - grief not the Holy Spirit . Why? He is the only one that can make you see your provision .John 16:13 "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”
9. His Mind - Where His Spirit is we are at liberty to think and reason like Him and fulfill His purpose for our lives . 1 Cor 2:16 (Amp)"For who has known the mind and purposes of the Lord, so as to instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ [to be guided by His thoughts and purposes].”
10.His fruits - Where the Spirit of the Lord is , there is always joy , love , peace in the Holy Ghost. why? His Spirit comes to give us that Liberty to express ourselves freely in His presence . Roms 8:25 (ESV)"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.".

Personal Quote :

"When the truth is applied ,freedom is inevitable"

Prayer : Father teach me how to express myself in love in Jesus name , Amen,

You are blessed!

Thursday, 18 August 2016


"I know you are pleased with me, for you have not let my enemies triumph over me.”


1. An enemy will stay with you for a while ; but not when trouble comes .They slip away quietly. 2 Tim 4:16 says "At my first defense no one supported me, but all deserted me; may it not be counted against them.”
2. He will speak fine words , while he plots on how to trap you. Jer 9:8-9 puts it like this ""Their tongue is a deadly arrow; It speaks deceit; With his mouth one speaks peace to his neighbor, But inwardly he sets an ambush for him. "Shall I not punish them for these things?" declares the LORD. "On a nation such as this Shall I not avenge Myself? “ 
3. He will pretend to share your sorrows ; but will kill you if he has the chance. Apostle Paul painfully puts it this way from the book of Phil 3:18 " For I have told you often before, and I say it again with tears in my eyes, that there are many whose conduct shows they are really enemies of the cross of Christ. "
4. He will pretend to show you love in trouble ; but he is happy about it. Psalm 35:15 says it like this "But when I stumbled, they rejoiced and gathered together; they gathered together to ambush me. They tore at me without stopping to rest. (Net version)
5. Patience will always reveal a true enemy. your patience reveals to you the secrets of their hearts . why? They always slip because of their haste to do you harm .Jer 17:9 (NLT) “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?”
6. Out of the abundance of the heart ; the "enemy" speaks . Never take those words he says jokingly for granted, he means it . " A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart."Luke 6:45 "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart beingeth forth that which is good ; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil:for 'of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh."
7. The enemy has been marked for destruction at God's own appointed time .Note : Not your time . Why? God can use him to teach and show you hidden secrets about life that will be a blessing to you in future  .Dan 2:22 (NLT)"He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness, though he is surrounded by light" 
8. The enemy most times is someone always close to you, someone who sees your potentials in life to excel and he is set to hinder you from achieving it . Well that is the painful and truthful part. Psalm 41:9 (NLT) gives us the confirmation when David said " Even my best friend, the one I trusted completely, the one who shared my food, has turned against me.” 
9. A true enemy is desperately desperate to see your destruction . If you are not "led" by the Holy Spirit , when they seek your help don't try it , don't . It will only lead to more painful experiences , that if you are not strong , you would give up . "Personal experience." see how the book of Matt 7:6 (NLT) puts it "Don't waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don't throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.”
10. Finally, when you become successful , your known and unknown enemies act like friends. Be careful! Prov 23:7 "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.”

I am led to post this lessons for someone today . Don't take things for granted. Pls be wise

Personal quote :

"Confidence speaks , your silence is wisdom "

prayer - Father open my eyes to always see and hear your voice in the midst of danger in Jesus name , Amen.

bless you

Wednesday, 17 August 2016


"Now in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; and his spirit was troubled and his sleep left him.”


1. Rule number one - Never wake up and begin to panic .Fear opens the gate for the enemy to attack you . Key - wake up from that dream and deliberately refuse to fear . Why? He that says He is with you , is far greater than the enemy that is trying to harass you in the dream . your faith is a shield . wake up with your shield of faith .( Eph 6:16) .Note: Isaiah 41:10(Amp)"Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of [salvation].’
2. Go into thanksgiving prayer using the word with faith in your heart - Example -"father I thank you because your word says I shall not die but live and declare the works of the lord "(Psalm 118:17). you find yourself in rags in the dream , rebuke it and pray the word concerning your finances "father I thank you because it is written in your word that you taketh delight in my prosperity , so you spirit of poverty the lord rebuke you , you are a liar get lost in the name of Jesus , Amen. (Psalm 35:27)"Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.”
3. The power of your imagination- what Satan does is that he tries to super impose his evil imagination/ thoughts in form of pictures on your subconscious man using fear like faith to establish it in your inner man/ subconscious as true , as it is what you think in your mind / subconscious you become . (Prov. 23:7a). So what do you do ? Cast that evil imagination / thought of the devil down and bring your thoughts to the obedience of God's word . The truth that has been written concerning you. think on those truths you have read in scripture and picture yourself in it in prayer , thanksgiving and joy in the lord .2 Cor 10:5 (Amp)"We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ, .”
4. Fret not - At times you are tempted to fret about it , but don't,offence will hinder your faith  . That is what Satan expects of you , so he can move in with his other plans against you . Don't fret , let him know you know who you are in Christ and you are in charge not him. Rebuke him with the word and command the mountain of that evil dream to depart in prayer . Mark 11:23(NIV)"Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.”
5. Hold your peace - Always be in control is the key .If the dream is really bad , your peace will allow Him (Jesus) to speak to you . He does it in the midst of your storms .( Psalm 46:1 ). He can tell you to just praise Him , He can tell you to laugh at the devil using the word (Job 5:22) . He can just quicken in your spirit what to do at that moment . let Him lead before you begin to pray out of point.John 14:27"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” When fear is out of the way , His peace (answer) comes to show you the way out . Amen. Isaiah 30:21
6.Don't doubt - There is always this tendency to doubt if God is still with you when you encounter evil dreams , but listen , He is there . He cannot lie .(Heb 13:5) so don't at such moments doubt. Activate your faith in prayer and let God fight the battle for you . God loves it when he sees your faith in Him .hmm, believe it. . Heb 13:5b(NLT)" For God has said, "I will ever fail you. I will never abandon you.” Doubt will allow the enemy to plant his evil seeds/thoughts in your mind , so he can use it against you when you empower it with your belief. .hold your ground in faith and resist the enemy. 1 Peter 5:9
7. Trust - Now see the power of trust- scripture says to trust Him at all times . Meaning what ? good dreams or bad dreams we trust Him . Why? the word is more potent ,quick to respond and more powerful than the forces of darkness on earth or in heaven.(1 John 4:4 Amp) . Psalm 62:8 (NIV)"Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”
8. Prayer - When you want to really deal with Satan and his agents, use prayer . scripture puts it well in the book of Luke 18:1 (Amp)"Now Jesus was telling the disciples a parable to make the point that at all times they ought to pray and not give up and lose heart, " . Deal hard with him and return every wicked arrows of the enemy back to the devil and all his cohorts using the word of God as your weapon .Prov 11:8. Prov 11:5b. Prov 11:19 and more from scriptures
9. No matter the bad dream , keep the word in your mouth and your heart .(Isaiah 51:16a). Never waver and never let go of what God has promised you in His word . hold on to it and confess it aloud . Heb10:23 (Amp)" Let us seize and hold tightly the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful [to His word]; ". Key - See it as an opportunity to establish the truth in your life and family , business etc.
10. Finally - Roms 8:28 watch this - . He can still use the bad dream to teach you many things , so your confidence in Him will be strong . 1. He can use the evil to show you how weak the enemy really is.2. He can use it to show you the lies of the enemy.(John 8:44) .3 He can just teach you a new thing from it . The enemy cannot beat God. This is were the scripture Roms 8:28 (NLT) proves to be true . "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

Personal quote:

"bad dreams are thoughts of the enemy , they are empowered when you believe the lies instead of the truth in God's word " Numbers 23:19

Prayer: Father deal with every bad dream I have had in the past and now in the name of Jesus , Amen.

You are blessed!


"Blessed [joyful, spiritually favored] is he who does not take offense at Me.”


. 1. Offense will steal your strength in whatever circumstances .The strength you ought to use to pray to God , goes into what has offended you for the "word sake" and before you know it ,the strength to pray is gone because of offense . Luke 18:1 (Amp)" Now Jesus was telling the disciples a parable to make the point that at all times they ought to pray and not give up and lose heart,.” Avoid the offense and lock unto prayer .It brings humility and answers to prayers.Prov 15:33(NLT)"Fear of the LORD teaches wisdom; humility precedes honor."
2. Offense will lead you to doubt if God can help rather than believe He can . Your flesh will push you to think other-wise. Jesus told Peter in the book of Matt 14:31(Amp)"Immediately Jesus extended His hand and caught him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” . Why? The storms of life can lead one to become offended with God and when you allow doubt to set in , faith goes . And without faith ? Heb 11:6
3.Offense can and will always make your prayer life ineffective. James 5:16 (Amp)"The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].” .When you re offended you re already carrying a double mind and with that results can not be effectively achieved through prayer.
4. Offense stops love from working , thereby hindering your faith from producing the necessary results . Why? simply put -God is love and love is not easily offended. Gal 5:6 (Amp)"For [if we are] in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but only faith activated and expressed and working through love.”
5. Offense de-activates the power in the word from working for you. How ? you re offended against the very power (word) that can bring in the results .Mark 4:17"And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word's sake, immediately they are offended."
6. Joy is what is used in drawing out God's promises from the wells of salvation . Have you thought about how difficult it would be , if you were to use offense as your "rope" ? .lol . Isaiah 12:3(Amp)"Therefore with joy you will draw water From the springs of salvation.”
7.Offense has the power of throwing any believer into the bondage of sin. how? once you re offended , what you would have normally done which is right before God , you would't be able to do it because of bitterness , envy , hatred etc. which offense normally brings. . Gal 5:1(Amp)"It was for this freedom that Christ set us free [completely liberating us]; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery [which you once removed].”
8. When you are offended , you cannot hear what the lord is saying . Offense is a mind blocker. .Isaiah 30:15 (ERV)"The Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, says, “If you come back to me you will be saved. Only by remaining calm and trusting in me can you be strong.But you don't want to do that."
9.Offense will stop you from acting on the word .James 1:22 (ERV)"Do what God's teaching says; don't just listen and do nothing. When you only sit and listen, you are fooling yourselves.” Anytime I get tempted to take offense against God or someone . I simply activate my joy and He begins to speak to me again bringing words of comfort to my soul. Isa 51:12 (NIV)""I, even I, am he who comforts you. Who are you that you fear mere mortals, human beings who are but grass,:
10. Finally offense will stop you from giving the one who would rescue you (God) thanks. 1 Thess 5:18(ERV)"Whatever happens, always be thankful. This is how God wants you to live in Christ Jesus."

Personal quote :

"Ignore the offense and pass the test "

Prayer: Father deliver me from the spirit of offense and give me the grace to listen to you in Jesus name , Amen.

You are blessed!!

Saturday, 13 August 2016


"As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe."


1. Roms 8:28(NIV)"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
1 john 4:4(ESV)"Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
Luke 1:37(ISV)"Nothing is impossible with respect to any of God's promises"
4.1 peter 5:9,10(Amp)"Withstand him; be firm in faith [against his onset—rooted, established, strong, immovable, and determined], knowing that the same (identical) sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood (the whole body of Christians) throughout the world.
10.And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace [Who imparts all blessing and favor], Who has called you to His [own] eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, and strengthen, and settle you."

5.Gen 8:22 (NIV)"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."
6.Roms 8:15-17(Msg)"This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. And we know we are going to get what’s coming to us—an unbelievable inheritance! We go through exactly what Christ goes through. If we go through the hard times with him, then we’re certainly going to go through the good times with him!"
7.Rev 21:6 (NIV)"He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life."
8.psalm 58:11 (NLT)"Then at last everyone will say, "There truly is a reward for those who live for God; surely there is a God who judges justly here on earth."
9.Lams 3:25(Amp)"The Lord is good to those who wait hopefully and expectantly for Him, to those who seek Him [inquire of and for Him and require Him by right of necessity and on the authority of God’s word]."
10. Isaiah 43:13(NLT)"From eternity to eternity I am God. No one can snatch anyone out of my hand. No one can undo what I have done."

feed on these scriptures and let it come alive in your spirit . It will bless your soul , just like He bless  mine.

Personal quote :

"The word of God is a thought in your mind , it will manifest if you ponder and meditate on it "

Prayer: Father make your word to come alive in my spirit in the name of Jesus , Amen.


Wednesday, 10 August 2016


"But If we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it .”


1. Patience - Is what God uses to prepare us for our breakthrough. Though we get weary at times but the truth is , it is for our best interest . He sees what you cannot see yet spiritually .Elisha prayed for the lord to open the eyes of Gehazi in the book of 2 Kings 6:17(Amp)"Then Elisha prayed. Lord ,I pray you , open his eyes that he may see. And the Lord opened the young man's eyes , and he saw , and behold , the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha." It was there but Gehazi could not see it . Certain things /people in our lives need to move out , others are part of God's plan for us , they need to come in through our patience.
2. Patience is what God uses to build us up "spiritually". How do you tell a three year old to shine your new shoes ? lol. He will mess up your new shoes !. So God cannot bless you yet with the kind of wealth he has in mind for you .? we still need to grow .lest we become too proud and rude to the very people  we have been sent to go and minister Jesus to . Spiritual maturity is important. Gal 4:1(Amp)"Now what I mean is that as long as the inheritor (heir) is a child and under age , he does not differ from a slave , although he is the master of all the estate.”
3. God uses patience to reveal hidden secrets to us. The more we study and meditate on the word ; the more he reveals secrets about our future to us and our loved ones .Psalm 25:14 " The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant.” 
4. Patience is what God uses in bringing out the best of character in us. Attitude is everything .Jesus attracted alot of people in His days because of His attitude . He was different . Psalm 105:19 (NLT)”Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character."
5. Patience is what God uses in refining and polishing his product (you). The world can't miss you , when he is through with you. Isaiah 60:3"And the Gentiles shall come to thy light , and Kings to the brightness of thy rising.”
6. Patience is what God uses in birthing you into your new season. Is a step by step process in God's kingdom? Isaiah 28:10" For precept must be upon precept , precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little ,and there a little:”
7. You can't get anything from God  when you are impatient. Why? God himself is patient , so you can't be different from your maker .Roms 15:5 "Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:” 
8. When God is preparing a leader; one of the vital keys he teaches him, is patience. A good example was Moses. He had every opportunity to abandon the children of Israel in the wilderness when they complained and murmured against him , but he was patient with them and even asked God to show them mercy .Exodus 32:32 "Yet now , If thou wilt forgive their sin ; and If not ,blot me , I pray thee , out of thy book which thou hast written.”
9. God uses patience to expose hidden enemies , who pretend to be friends. David said in Psalm 41:9 "Yea , mine own familiar friend , in whom I trusted , which did eat of my bread , hath lifted up his heel against me .”
10. God uses patience to build an uncommon faith that will give birth to an uncommon miracle. Abraham through patience and faith inherited the promise .Heb 6:12 says "That ye be not slothful , but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”
11. God uses patience to build up our trust in Him. Isaiah 26:3 says "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace , whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee".
12. God uses patience to build up our prayer life. James 5:17 "Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are , and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain : and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months." Can only be achieved through patience.
13. God uses patience to teach us self control. Luke 21:19 says "In patience possess ye your souls.” 

Personl quote:

"Patience is like a man who has discovered where his treasure is and patiently works towards it "


Father help me to become patient in Jesus name , Amen.

Bless you !

Tuesday, 9 August 2016


"“Trust [confidently] in the Lord forever [He is your fortress, your shield, your banner],For the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages].”


1. Trust grows better in adversity The adversity is what God uses to buld up that TRUST ! .Psalm 46:2(NIV)"Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,.”
2. Trust establishes the word in your spirit. It helps it to take root . See the parable of the sower .Mark 4:17 (NIV)"But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away."
3. Trust is what grows the word in our spirit . When you put your trust in the word , it grows ,just like physical food helps you to grow . Prov 3:5(NIV)"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;.”
4. When trust enters into the soil of your heart , it becomes hard for Satan to steal it. Why trust is a spirit. Jesus said in the book of John 6:63b" the words that I speak unto you , they are spirit and they are life"
5 .Revelation produces trust . Once you catch it , it refuels your trust in Him.Psalm 9:10(NIV)"Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.”
6. There is power in the word. your faith built on a platform of trust will activate the impossible when you simply believe it. Eph 3:20 (Amp)" Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us,.”  power is generated when trust is activated.
7. Trust does not disappoint. Why? The one whom you trust is the Maker of the heavens and Earth . The Boss of all Bosses. Jer32:27 (Net)""I am the LORD God of all humanity. Nothing is too hard for me.”
8. f you can see it , it will not be hard for you to trust Him.Can you see it ? Jer 1:11(Amp)"The word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” And I said, “I see the branch of an almond tree.”  What you can see ,builds your trust .
9. your knowledge of the word builds your trust in the word . So lack of knowledge means lack of trust . Prov. 24:5(Amp)"A wise man is strong and is better than a strong man,and a man of knowledge increases and strengthens his power;" is the strength (knowledge) that fuels that trust.
10. Thanksgiving is a trust builder . Psalm 50:23(Amp)"He who offers a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving honors Me; And to him who orders his way rightly [who follows the way that I show him],I shall show the salvation of God.” Appreciate Him in that storm and the grace will come for you to trust Him.

Personal quote:

" Trusting all the way will unlock the blessing"

Prayer: Father help me to trust you in Jesus name , Amen.

You are blessed !