"Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen.”
1. Love - you can never grow in grace without first loving the father of grace with all your heart , mind , soul and body . The more you love Him , the more you grow in grace to become like Him . Eph 5:1 (Amp)"Therefore become imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father];.”
2.Love for others - We grow more in grace , whenever we are faced with difficult neighbors to love . The more we love them , the more grace comes to love them the more . (personal experience ) key - Is always easy to love those who love us , but the real test is loving those who don't even love us , that is grace .why? love remembers no wrong . 1 Cor 13:7(Msg)" Doesn't keep the score of the sins of others .”
3. Joy-You cannot grow in grace, if you are not a joyful person. Why? Scripture admonishes us to always be joyful.joy attracts His grace .(mercy , favor etc) Phil 4:4; Titus 2:11. Without joy how can you draw out the grace in His word. Isaiah 12:3(Amp)"Therefore with joy you will draw water from the springs of salvation.”
4.Patience- God is a God of patience and He works best in our lives when we are patient like Him. So I can boldly say grace comes when we become patient like our father "God".It was His grace, that helped Job to become patient during his trial. James 5:11(Amp)" You know we call those blessed [happy, spiritually prosperous, favored by God] who were steadfast and endured [difficult circumstances]. You have heard of the patient endurance of Job and you have seen the Lord's outcome [how He richly blessed Job]. The Lord is full of compassion and is merciful.”
5. Right attitude- If you want to see grace at work keep a good attitude in the midst of your storm and you will see God's grace in action ."Jesus" . Key 1 Peter 5:5(Amp)" Likewise, you younger men [of lesser rank and experience], be subject to your elders [seek their counsel]; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another [tie on the servant's apron], for God is opposed to the proud [the disdainful, the presumptuous, and He defeats them], but He gives grace to the humble.”
6. Why? God simply loves those that are humble .why? God Himself is humble . Why do I say that ? He lives in the very creature He created .. 1 Cor 3:16"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"
7. Giving - the more you give , the more you grow in grace to give more .2 Cor 9:8 (Amp)" And God is able to make all grace [every favor and earthly blessing] come in abundance to you, so that you may always [under all circumstances, regardless of the need] have complete sufficiency in everything [being completely self-sufficient in Him], and have an abundance for every good work and act of charity."
8. Prayer - It was after Jesus prayed , He received more grace to face the death on the cross . prayer increases our level of grace when done right .Luke 22:43,44 . (Amp)"]Now an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him. And being in agony [deeply distressed and anguished; almost to the point of death], He prayed more intently; and His sweat became like drops of blood, falling down on the ground."
9. Trust - God enjoys it when we simply trust Him. And what happens when we do that , His mercy (grace, favor) surrounds us like a shield .Psalm 32:10" but he that trusteth in the LORD, mercy shall compass him about.”
10. Thankful heart - Any man who is thankful will always enjoy God's grace and will always grow in grace. Why? God loves those who appreciate Him for who He is and what he does for us . Psalm 50:23 (Amp)"“He who offers a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving honors Me;And to him who orders his way rightly [who follows the way that I show him],I shall show the salvation of God.”
Personal quote :
"The blessing can only be access by grace"
Prayer - Father teach me lord how to grow more in grace in Jesus name , Amen.
You are blessed !!
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