55 Biblical Solutions to Life Issues

55 Biblical Solutions to Life Issues
55 Biblical Solutions to Life Issues

Monday, 12 September 2016


"This charge and admonition I commit in trust to you, Timothy, my son, in accordance with prophetic intimations which I formerly received concerning you, so that inspired and aided by them you may wage the good warfare,"


1.Prophetic utterances are divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit .So love it, cherish it , receive it with excitement when it comes . It doesn't matter if you have received many , always be expectant and full of joy , that this one is for you . Amen .Roms 14:17(NLT)"For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."
2.Do not and never despise prophetic utterances , no matter how long you have been receiving them . Why? What you despise will never work for you . Rather this is the key - keep loading your cloud by receiving and claiming it with faith and more faith , when your cloud is full , just at the right time , it will surprise you . Isaiah 60:22b(NLT)". At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen."
3.Do not become weary in receiving prophetic utterances, when you get to that point of weariness , your testimony is close . pick yourself up again and charge yourself with faith in God's word .1 Thess 5:24(GWT)"The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do this."
4.If you hate the prophet behind the prophetic utterance , don't expect to receive the blessings of the prophet . Why? I give you two reasons .1. If you receive the prophet you will receive the prophets reward.(Matt 10:41) 2. A bitter heart cannot receive the blessing sent by God through the prophet . Heb 12:15(Amp)"Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look [after one another], to see that no one falls back from and fails to secure God’s grace (His unmerited favor and spiritual blessing), in order that no root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or hatred) shoots forth and causes trouble and bitter torment, and the many become contaminated and defiled by it—"
5.Is not every prophetic utterance you receive you share with everybody. Some are wisely kept for you "only" , until you see the manifestation . Learn from Joseph in Scripture . prov 13:3(NLT)"Those who control their tongue will have a long life; opening your mouth can ruin everything."
6.Remind God constantly of what He has spoken through His prophet and never keep silent .Isa 43:26 (Amp)"Put Me in remembrance [remind Me of your merits]; let us plead and argue together. Set forth your case, that you may be justified (proved right)."
7.If you are serious about getting God committed to it , write it down and use it as a prayer point .Hab 2:2(NIV)"Then the LORD replied: "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it."
8.Be ready to wage a good warfare with your faith , for the enemy will bombard you with negative thoughts/ attacks to get you to doubt what God has spoken through His prophet. 1 Cor 16:9 "For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries."
9.Fast and pray always as you are led to. It helps to keep your faith alive. The key about fasting is this , you can choose your own time for the fast , as long as you are faithful to it .Amen. Isa 65:24(NLT)"I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!"
10.Never forget to show your gratitude to God always , for giving you a prophetic word .Luke 17:16(Amp)"And he fell prostrate at Jesus’ feet, thanking Him [over and over]. And he was a Samaritan."

Personal quote :

"words carry life , believe the good ones and reject the bad ones "

PRAYER: Father give me lord the grace not to despise the word of a genuine man of God in Jesus name , Amen.

you re blessed! you win . Amen.


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