"And He was saying, "Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will."
1. What God's will is has to be working for your good . Whatever you are facing now is simply working for your good . if it worked for our Savoir Jesus it will also work for you . Roms 8:28 (NASB)"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
2. This is another revelation from the book of Lam 3:28 (Amp Version) "Let him sit alone uncomplaining and keeping silent [in hope], because [God] has laid [the yoke] upon him [for his benefit]." Key- God will only show you the secret ,when you hold your peace.
3. This is another testimony of 1 peter 4:12 (Msg ) says " Friends, when life gets really difficult, don’t jump to the conclusion that God isn’t on the job. Instead, be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ experienced. This is a spiritual refining process, with glory just around the corner." So don't try to reason God , He is too big for our human reasoning and too faithful to be doubted . All you "need" is to trust him like a child . Matt 18:3 (NIV) "And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." A child only believes whatever the parents say , they don't even think of reasoning it out. you know how children behave "My daddy Said" lol. period!
4. Jesus in his moment of trial , didn't allow his flesh to rule his sense of judgment. Jesus believed God .John 11:40 (NLT) "Jesus responded, "Didn't I tell you that you would see God's glory if you believe?" Key- It might not happen immediately . but once you believe in your spirit , the enemy cannot stop your testimony.
5.. In your moments of trial, pray . Jesus cried unto God.Listen , God is faithful . pray and hold your peace and give glory to His name ! Luke 18:1 (NIV) "Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up." .Key- be sensitive in your spirit and look out for that word He drops in your spirit .
6. The knowledge you have of God matters in your moments of trial . It was the knowledge Jesus had of God , that made him submissive to God's will and not his will. Matt 7:21 (ESV) "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. "
7 . The scripture above is also a revelation of Prov 24:10 (NLT) "If you fail under pressure, your strength is too small."
8. Prov 24 :5 (GWT) collaborates this " A strong man knows how to use his strength, but a person with knowledge is even more powerful." Key- Meditate and study the word more.
9. When you are confronted with a situation ,never see your "cup" as bigger than God . Jesus knew God was bigger than the "cup" he was about to face. psalm 66:3 (ESV) "Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies come cringing to you. "
10 . This again is a revelation of the book of 1 Peter 5:6 (WNT) "Humble yourselves therefore beneath the mighty hand of God, so that at the right time He may set you on high." Key - Humility takes you up , not down.
Personal quote:
"if you go through the pain , you will also experience the victory"
Prayer- Father help me not to give up in my times of trail in Jesus name, Amen.
you ve won !! Amen.
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